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CEDAW Shadow Report: Still a Long Way to Go

July 15th, 2016  •  Author:   Women's League of Burma  •  1 minute read
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From 1962 to 2011 in Burma, the combination of repressive rule by a male-dominated military and a traditional cultural patriarchy had insidious and pervasive long-term negative effects on women’s equality. Decades of repression adversely impacted women’s health, well-being and welfare, ability to participate in politics and political decision-making, and educational, economic and employment opportunities. Moreover, during those six decades the military also waged war in several regions of Burma against various Ethnic Armed Organisations (EAOs), and conflict continues to this day. These long-running conflicts have been characterized by human rights abuses against ethnic communities, including sexual violence against ethnic women, and have had a devastating negative impact on the rights and opportunities available to ethnic women.

Download the report in English HERE.

Download the report in Burmese HERE.