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Myanmar CSO Shadow Report on Thematic Issues: Violence against Women

July 6th, 2016  •  Author:   CEDAW Action Myanmar  •  2 minute read

This CEDAW Shadow Report is written by CEDAW Action Myanmar (CAM). This working group is established in 2012 and consists of 15 local organizations. The report consists of perceptions of 309 (with 226 women and 83 men) respondents who participated in a survey; along with news from print and social media. Myanmar has peacefully elected people led Government in 2015 and people rightly expect restoration of Human Rights in the country. However, during the reporting period (2015-2016), the number of cases reported has increased.

There are number of barriers in implementing CEDAW. Women are not aware of their rights, the Institutions who are expected to support women survivors of violence are not sensitive towards women due to existing gender stereotypes. The outreach of Government initiative is limited and Civil Society has to comply to many government rules so that their work gets affected.

State: CAM observes that the State has initiated certain activities in implementing CEDAW. However Legal Reforms and Establishing Support Mechanisms for survivors of GBV need to be taken on priority. State has institutionalized mechanisms like establishing a Focal Ministry. However, such efforts need to be strengthened by establishing support mechanisms at all levels, especially in rural areas.
Recommendations by CAM: 1.Review and Reform Legal system e.g. definition of Rape2. Investigation Processes should be survivors friendly. 3. Sensitization of all stakeholders who have responsibility to address Violence against Women. 4. Extend outreach of Support mechanism (e.g. Shelter) to rural women. 4. Introduce GBV Awareness program in Education system for creating awareness and building capacities of masses. 5. The state should have a protection and prevention mechanism, law and measures for all kinds of women regardless of their religions, cultures and traditions.

Download the full report in English here.