Statement 293 Views

Joint declaration

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  1. With the common goal of extinguishing military dictatorship and establishing a federal democratic union that is transformative in both form and essence, grounded in the principles of equality and the will of the people, we are embarking on our revolutionary journey through a bottom-up federalism approach that focuses on strengthening states/federal units, guided by the belief that the strength of the union derives from the strength of its states/federal units, from the outset of the revolution through the transitional period to the establishment of a future federal democratic union.
  2. At the dawn of 2025, we remain steadfast in our collective struggle to achieve the shared goal of triumph so ardently desired by the people. We are forging broader, stronger, and more cohesive alliances to advance together towards our shared goal.
  3. We honour the contributions of our people and the political and revolutionary forces to the Civil Disobedience Movement, Operation 1027, and other significant achievements across various fronts of the revolution. We also celebrate the continued representation of Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun at the United Nations, a diplomatic victory that stands as a symbol of the people’s revolution.
  4. We consider the release of political leaders, including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, and political prisoners who have been arrested and detained, to be of utmost importance for resolving Myanmar’s current issues.
  5. We have set forth the following six political objectives to guide the establishment of a Federal Democratic Union:
  • To overturn the usurpation of state power by the military, and to terminate the involvement of the armed forces in politics
  • To ensure that all armed forces operate solely under the command of a civilian government elected through democratic processes
  • To abrogate the constitution of 2008 in its entirety, and to quash all attempts to reinstate its provisions
  • To draft and promulgate a new constitution that embodies federalism and democratic values, garnering the consensus of all relevant parties
  • To establish a new federal democratic union in accordance with the proposed federal democratic constitution
  • To institute a system of transitional justice to achieve justice and accountability for victims of injustices, including gender-based violence, during the conflict period.
  1. We shall address the matters of defining and establishing state and federal units and delineating boundaries during the transitional period based on the will of the people, without any discrimination, and through peaceful negotiations in political dialogues that include all primary stakeholders. Any disputes that arise among revolutionary forces will be regarded as internal disagreements and will be resolved solely through peaceful means.
  2. The terrorist military junta is the primary perpetrator driving Myanmar towards disintegration; Min Aung Hlaing and his associates must be held accountable for their crimes against humanity. We urge members of the armed forces to dissociate themselves from this terrorist military junta and join the people in establishing a reputable, professional institution accepted and supported by the people.
  3. The terrorist military junta holds no authority to hold elections, nor is the current political situation in the country conducive to holding elections. The junta’s preparations to conduct a sham election will not only lead Myanmar towards further disintegration and escalate conflicts but will also contribute to increased regional instability. We urge the people and the international community to refrain from engaging, supporting, or recognising the junta.
  4. The terrorist military junta’s ongoing crimes, including forced conscription, are severely damaging the socioeconomic livelihood of Myanmar, causing internal and external displacement of the people and endangering regional stability. We call on the international community to work with us, the revolutionary forces, to provide practical and effective support to urgently alleviate the immense suffering endured by the people of Myanmar. We urge certain nations to cease the provision and sale of military supplies, including aviation fuel, and to refrain from diplomatic recognition and engagement, that emboldens the junta to continue its acts of violence against the people.
  5. With unwavering determination, we solemnly pledge to continue our revolutionary endeavour in unity for the emergence of a Federal Democratic Union that fulfills the aspirations of all our peoples.

Contact –

Salai Boi Uk (CB) +91 6909-093438
U Sithu Maung(CRPH) +66 6131-20009
U Kyaw Htwe(NLD) +1 612 743-5095
U Toe Kyaw Hlaing (NUCC) +1 260 240-6792
U Tin Tun Naing (NUG) +1 9383-007-007

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